Unlocking Opportunities: Building an Effective Outreach Strategy

Unlocking Opportunities: Building an Effective Outreach Strategy

In this workshop, you will gain insights on crafting effective outreach strategies.

By Researcher Development

Date and time

Fri, 24 May 2024 05:30 - 08:00 PDT



About this event

  • 2 hours 30 minutes

This ONLINE session is available to PGRs, research staff and research-related professional services staff from the University of Liverpool and our University partners, including Sumy State University.

Joining details will be sent 2 days and 2 hours before the session begins to the email address you registered with.

Please note - if you are unable to attend, you can register to be sent the resources from the session only by choosing a non-attending ticket.

Today's researchers require skills beyond their specific discipline expertise to navigate and excel in their careers, whether in academia or other professional spheres. The evolving communication channels, digital tools, and social media platforms will reshape how researchers present their findings and cultivate international networks involving policymakers and industry leaders. Outreach acts as the bridge linking research with society, enhancing its visibility and impact.

Developing a research outreach strategy extends beyond technical excellence and research merit. Therefore, as a researcher, starting early in your career is crucial to nurturing communication and networking skills and engaging with the public through press releases or social media. Additionally, an outreach strategy, including personal profile branding, will enhance future career opportunities and enable pivoting into new career trajectories.

Join this workshop for insights into crafting an effective outreach strategy. Discover its significance for your research journey, whether you remain in academia or transition to other professional domains.

Session outline/ plan

By the end of this session, participants will have developed their knowledge and abilities in the following areas:

1. Diverse Skills: Researchers need beyond scientific expertise - communication, networking, and public engagement are vital for varied career paths.

2. Evolving Platforms: Changing communication channels reshape how scientists connect, present findings, and engage with stakeholders.

3. Research-Society Bridge: Outreach boosts research visibility and impact, democratizing knowledge.

4. Early Strategy: Early career investment in outreach, including personal branding, enhances future career prospects.

Presenter information:

Assistant Prof Tina Persson (she/her)

Tina Persson is the CEO and Founder of Passage2Pro, Professional leadership and career coach & trainer, and ICF Certified PCC Coach.

The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) attributes developed during this session are relevant to the following sub-domains:

Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities

A1: Knowledge base

Domain B: Personal Effectiveness

B1: Personal Qualities

B2: Self-management

B3: Professional and Career Development

Domain D: Engagement, Influence and Impact

D3: Engagement and Impact

Accessibility Adjustments and Alternative Format requests: If you require any accessibility adjustments or have any questions about this session, please contact the Academy's RD team Researcher@liverpool.ac.uk at least 7 days before the session date so that your requirements can be referred to the facilitator(s) who will make every effort to address them where possible.

Academy Researcher Development Inclusivity Statement: The Academy is committed to providing an environment which recognises and values people's differences, capitalises on the strengths that those differences bring to the institution and supports all staff and students in maximising their potential to succeed. In line with the Academy's firm commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, we offer all postdoctoral and research-related opportunities to develop and network irrespective of a researcher’s gender, ethnicity, age, self-identification, disability, religious affiliation, or any other criteria used to separate and define.

Academy Code of Conduct: All events organised or facilitated by The Academy follow a Conduct of Conduct irrespective of the number of participants or session format. The Academy thanks all participants in advance for your cooperation to help ensure a safe and constructive environment for everybody. The Code of Conduct is available at: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/researcher/development/conduct-events/

Important: We take your privacy very seriously and will only use your email address to send you information about this session. Thereafter, we will contact you only where you have given us permission to do so. After that, you can opt-out at any time of receiving our communication by simply sending an email to researcher@liverpool.ac.uk

Stay in Touch: For the latest news and information about research staff development opportunities and resources follow @LivResearcher on Twitter. Further details about the University of Liverpool's Researcher Development activities can be found on the Researcher Hub: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/researcher/


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